Shannen Doherty is a
sassy American actress, best known for her role as Brenda Walsh in the
television show Beverly Hills, 90210. Shannen Doherty has a couple tattoos which we know about, including a cross with a patch of flowers located on her right ankle. The actress also has a yellow star tattoo design on her the left side of her lower abdomen.
Senin, 05 November 2012
Rabu, 18 Juli 2012
Foto Hot|Syur Aura Kasih Memakai Tengtop
Penyanyi Aura Kasih memang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi pecinta musik Indonesia. Suara bagus dan juga seksi merupakan modal yang sangat berharga bagi Aura Kasih yang juga mantan finalis Miss Indonesia tersebut untuk mencari popularitas. Wanita yang pernah dikabarkan berpacaran dengan sederet pemusik di Indonesia, sebut saja Pasha Ungu , Ariel Peterpan dan juga Onci Ungu tersebut memang selalu menjadi bahan pembicaraan di kancah penikmat musikIndonesia.
Seperti apa sih sosok si seksi Aura Kasih ini? berikut ini beberapa foto hot|syur Aura Kasih terbaru yang yang hanya memakai tengtop.
Seperti apa sih sosok si seksi Aura Kasih ini? berikut ini beberapa foto hot|syur Aura Kasih terbaru yang yang hanya memakai tengtop.

Itulah beberapa koleksi foto seksi dari penyanyi yang sekaligus mantan finalis Puteri Indonesia, Aura Kasih
Selasa, 17 Juli 2012
Foto Seksi Andi Soraya di Popular Magazine
"Andi Soraya" Love blossomed One Roof
Life choices that she lived indeed strange to most people. Institution of marriage that never lived it obscures the meaning of the beauty of relationships. Bland, that's the right word to describe stories that forded Plow shipping. Hence, when the beauty of it comes again, she really wanted to drank. No need to hurry. Live first. To be sure, love the shade roof provides peace and tranquility in her life. She admits she still wants to make it happen. A marriage is really ripe.
Young & Married Virginitas
Passionate young age indeed. That's when Soraya decided to get married. Something that he chose to various considerations. Understandably, being born as an Arab-blooded family, customary rules and traditions that defined the family must be obeyed. Soraya teenagers were not allowed to live a life as is appropriate adolescent age.
Daily activities and school just to go home. Always so from day to day. Adolescence is full of beauty, like a song sung by Chrisye in 'Gita Cinta From High School' was just wishful thinking. There was no beauty in adolescence Soraya. "How wonderful, to know men should not be alone," she recalled with a chuckle.
Her personality as a woman was robbed at the time. The desire to beautify themselves, by going to the hairdresser, for example, also may not. Even if she must marry one day, he must take parental choice. Of course he should also be mated with a male in his blood flowing, one ethnic group. "And I did not like it," she added.
Kind of life lasted until he finished high school. Soraya was later realizing his desire to have a boyfriend. Of course conducted clandestinely. Understandably, not one hundred percent freedom is given. Rules to curb perceived family still in force.
Maybe for having led since childhood, Soraya himself confessed positive rate rules. The first man who became her boyfriend, she was the first to touch it. Through-sanctioned wedlock, who admits his own request, Soraya was formally end the period of bachelor at the age of 21 years after undergoing clandestine relationship for four years. However, who would have thought, a period of four years, eventually running aground after two years.
"You could say as a side effect of the rules that apply to you?"
"This is not because parents yes, but more brothers to me. They always rein. I do not know why, maybe for the good of myself. We're a big family, 11 siblings. I lived with my sisters other mothers. The others live with my mom, I live with Daddy. I separated parents. So I'm the same father, same mother's brother and another sister. Eventually I became the youngest there.
Anywhere, not allowed, not allowed to have a boyfriend, just do not want to be beautiful, to the hairdresser is not allowed. So really be saved for the wife. Aw, is not important, ha ... ha ... ha
No Married & Satisfaction Heart
The roar of the planes that take off and landing at the International Airport Soekarno-Hatta airport, the faint burst into the Executive Suite Room, Sheraton Airport Hotel in Jakarta.
While the weather outside looks bright, as bright hearts Andi Soraya just change the costume into two at the photo session. Sexy little indeed, to show her smooth white skin.
As a sitcom actress, an admirer of Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, and Anthony Hopkins is so smart and keep caring for her body. Signs she had given birth to two children from her womb was not visible at all.
Her stomach was flat, the envy of most Indonesian girls who are in trouble with her shape. Of course it was thanks to the hard work and discipline yourself to maintain a balance in body shape. Therefore, women with a 166 cm tall and weighs 46 kg has started testing the role of the world before he decided to get married.
Life choices that she lived indeed strange to most people. Institution of marriage that never lived it obscures the meaning of the beauty of relationships. Bland, that's the right word to describe stories that forded Plow shipping. Hence, when the beauty of it comes again, she really wanted to drank. No need to hurry. Live first. To be sure, love the shade roof provides peace and tranquility in her life. She admits she still wants to make it happen. A marriage is really ripe.
Young & Married Virginitas
Passionate young age indeed. That's when Soraya decided to get married. Something that he chose to various considerations. Understandably, being born as an Arab-blooded family, customary rules and traditions that defined the family must be obeyed. Soraya teenagers were not allowed to live a life as is appropriate adolescent age.
Daily activities and school just to go home. Always so from day to day. Adolescence is full of beauty, like a song sung by Chrisye in 'Gita Cinta From High School' was just wishful thinking. There was no beauty in adolescence Soraya. "How wonderful, to know men should not be alone," she recalled with a chuckle.
Her personality as a woman was robbed at the time. The desire to beautify themselves, by going to the hairdresser, for example, also may not. Even if she must marry one day, he must take parental choice. Of course he should also be mated with a male in his blood flowing, one ethnic group. "And I did not like it," she added.
Kind of life lasted until he finished high school. Soraya was later realizing his desire to have a boyfriend. Of course conducted clandestinely. Understandably, not one hundred percent freedom is given. Rules to curb perceived family still in force.
Maybe for having led since childhood, Soraya himself confessed positive rate rules. The first man who became her boyfriend, she was the first to touch it. Through-sanctioned wedlock, who admits his own request, Soraya was formally end the period of bachelor at the age of 21 years after undergoing clandestine relationship for four years. However, who would have thought, a period of four years, eventually running aground after two years.
"You could say as a side effect of the rules that apply to you?"
"This is not because parents yes, but more brothers to me. They always rein. I do not know why, maybe for the good of myself. We're a big family, 11 siblings. I lived with my sisters other mothers. The others live with my mom, I live with Daddy. I separated parents. So I'm the same father, same mother's brother and another sister. Eventually I became the youngest there.
Anywhere, not allowed, not allowed to have a boyfriend, just do not want to be beautiful, to the hairdresser is not allowed. So really be saved for the wife. Aw, is not important, ha ... ha ... ha
No Married & Satisfaction Heart
The roar of the planes that take off and landing at the International Airport Soekarno-Hatta airport, the faint burst into the Executive Suite Room, Sheraton Airport Hotel in Jakarta.
While the weather outside looks bright, as bright hearts Andi Soraya just change the costume into two at the photo session. Sexy little indeed, to show her smooth white skin.
As a sitcom actress, an admirer of Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, and Anthony Hopkins is so smart and keep caring for her body. Signs she had given birth to two children from her womb was not visible at all.
Her stomach was flat, the envy of most Indonesian girls who are in trouble with her shape. Of course it was thanks to the hard work and discipline yourself to maintain a balance in body shape. Therefore, women with a 166 cm tall and weighs 46 kg has started testing the role of the world before he decided to get married.
Foto Topless|syur Poppy Bunga di Film Pemburu Hantu
Foto-Foto Topless/syur Poppy Bunga di Film Pemburu Hantu The Movie tersebar di internet. Kabarnya karena tersebarnya foto-foto Topless/syur ini membuat pihak Cita Baru Production kelabakan.
“Saya meminta maaf atas nama artis yang bersangkutan. Kita juga lagi mencari siapa yang menyebarkan foto tersebut,” ujar Alamsyah, produser dan sutradara PEMBURU HANTU THE MOVIE.
Diakui Alam, peristiwa ini menjadi preseden buruk bagi Cita Baru Production dan film PEMBURU HANTU THE MOVIE itu sendiri dengan munculnya tudingan bahwa beredarnya foto-foto tersebut merupakan bagian dari settingan untuk mendongkrak popularitas film. “Tidak ada maksud seperti itu,” tegas Alam.
“Kalau mau setting tentunya bukan saat ini, kenapa tidak dilakukan dari awal sebelum launching, saat ini film sudah beredar lebih dari dua minggu, settingan semacam itu tidak akan menaikkan film itu sendiri,” dalih sutradara lulusan Amerika ini.
Secara pribadi, Alam ingin masalah ini tuntas dengan cara baik-baik. “Kami telah berbicara dengan pihak manajemen dan ingin menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan baik-baik dan sekaligus meminta maaf untuk pencemaran nama baik artis tersebut karena bagaimana pun kita dari awal sebenarnya telah bekerja sama dengan baik, ketika ada masalah diselesaikan secara baik-baik pula,” pungkasnya

Foto Mesra Christina Santika Tju
Belum lama beredar foto mesra Christina Santika Tju, Perempuan yang kini berusia 19 tahun itu pun mengakui kalau foto-foto tersebut memang dirinya.

"Itu memang aku, itu sudah lama banget" ujarn Christina
Terdapat 13 foto menampilkan Christina yang mengenakan tanktop hitam dipangku oleh seorang pria. Di judul foto-foto itu ditulis kalau pria tersebut adalah kekasih Christina.
"Itu bukan pacar aku, tapi itu suami aku, aku sudah menikah tahun lalu" jelas pemeran Tina di film 'Virgin 2' itu.
Christina pun kaget kenapa foto-foto bisa beredar saat ini. Tapi ia yakin kalau foto-foto tersebut diambil dari akunnya di situs jejaring sosial, Facebook.
"Aku taruh di Facebook. Ya sudahlah mungkin aku harus berhati-hati" ucapnya.
Terdapat 13 foto menampilkan Christina yang mengenakan tanktop hitam dipangku oleh seorang pria. Di judul foto-foto itu ditulis kalau pria tersebut adalah kekasih Christina.
"Itu bukan pacar aku, tapi itu suami aku, aku sudah menikah tahun lalu" jelas pemeran Tina di film 'Virgin 2' itu.
Christina pun kaget kenapa foto-foto bisa beredar saat ini. Tapi ia yakin kalau foto-foto tersebut diambil dari akunnya di situs jejaring sosial, Facebook.
"Aku taruh di Facebook. Ya sudahlah mungkin aku harus berhati-hati" ucapnya.

Foto Paha Mulus Acha Septriasa - Upskrit

Full Name: Jelita Septriasa
Nickname: Acha Septriasa
Place / Date of birth: Jakarta, 01 September 1989
Sign: Pisces
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Hobbies: singing, reading, playing drums, read poetry, play guitar, swimming, basketball, roads
Father's Name: Sagitta Ahimsha
Mother's Name: Rita Emza
To the children: 3 of 6 with
Elementary School: SD Muhammadiyah 06 Tebet, South Jakarta
Junior High School: SMP Negeri 73 Tebet, South Jakarta
Senior High School: SMAN 82 Jakarta
Higher Education: Department of Mass Communications, Multimedia Broadcasting, Kualalumpur University, Kuala Lumpur
Colors: blue and pink
Food: Miscellaneous and noodles
For a very first time, Acha Septriasa became popular for her new movie "Heart" which was played together with Irwansyah, Nirina Zubir, and Sandy Aulia. Which then Irwansyah and Icha becoming a girlfriend-boyfriend.
Not only in Indonesia, Acha Septriasa is also well-known in the neighborhood country, such as Malaysia and Brunei darussalam. Her songs in the collaboration with Irwansyah such as, Heart, Sampai Menutup Mata, and Pecinta Wanita succeeded in Indonedia's Top chart radio list for few weeks.
On February 2008, Acha left her country Indonesia to persue her education in the neighbor country, Malaysia. and She decided to not get involved in entertainment industry for awhile to more concentrate with her education. Due to lack of "get in touch" the two lovers decided to break up in Juli 2008.
1. Apa artinya cinta? (2005)
2. Heart (2006)
3. Love is Cinta (2007)
4. Love (2008)
5. In the Name of Love (2008)
* Cover girl in 2004
Mother's Name: Rita Emza
To the children: 3 of 6 with
Elementary School: SD Muhammadiyah 06 Tebet, South Jakarta
Junior High School: SMP Negeri 73 Tebet, South Jakarta
Senior High School: SMAN 82 Jakarta
Higher Education: Department of Mass Communications, Multimedia Broadcasting, Kualalumpur University, Kuala Lumpur
Colors: blue and pink
Food: Miscellaneous and noodles
For a very first time, Acha Septriasa became popular for her new movie "Heart" which was played together with Irwansyah, Nirina Zubir, and Sandy Aulia. Which then Irwansyah and Icha becoming a girlfriend-boyfriend.
Not only in Indonesia, Acha Septriasa is also well-known in the neighborhood country, such as Malaysia and Brunei darussalam. Her songs in the collaboration with Irwansyah such as, Heart, Sampai Menutup Mata, and Pecinta Wanita succeeded in Indonedia's Top chart radio list for few weeks.
On February 2008, Acha left her country Indonesia to persue her education in the neighbor country, Malaysia. and She decided to not get involved in entertainment industry for awhile to more concentrate with her education. Due to lack of "get in touch" the two lovers decided to break up in Juli 2008.
Paha Mulus Acha Septriasa
1. Apa artinya cinta? (2005)
2. Heart (2006)
3. Love is Cinta (2007)
4. Love (2008)
5. In the Name of Love (2008)
* Cover girl in 2004
Acha Septriasa Profile :
Acha Septriasa or normally named "Acha" were born in Jakarta, 1 September 1989 were born with the Name Jelita Septriasa. Acha was a singer and actress of Indonesia. Acha Septriasa began in the world of entertainment at wedding Sampul 2004 dive. First film was "Apa Artinya Cinta?" (2005), which appear as a supporting player Shandy Aulia. She became famous as the main movie heart with Nirina Zubir and Irwansyah. In the film heart Acha Septriasa be the only one not Acha also become the performers in film and in tone with Irwansyah. Tonalbum receive a double platinum prize, for best original tone of this year. Not only in Indonesia, Acha well in Malaysia. Even songs bring in a duo with Irwansyah (the friend), such as "Sampai Menutup Mata," "My Heart" and "Pecintaa Wanita, occupied top list in the leading radio.
Acha Septriasa February 2008, Acha leave Indonesia for training in Malaysia. This is to force it rarely taken and Irwansyah Irwansyah and Acha end the relationship before the end always warm. Acha, the name of the increase in 2008 because the third person is suspected to behind the loss of the financial Ungu Pasha and his Okie. Although the conference in conjunction been conducted standing with this problem, but the Pasha has a gift not discussed give the special ultah Acha, is even adjust until now to the Pasha, who is still held by Acha.
Acha is a lecture in Malaysia seemed to have stopped for a moment. This is because, Acha, the Coll his solo album and concluding the contract, is bound in a vorangehensinetron. Therefore, although the opposition had obtained from their parents, desperate tetep Acha leave for the course of existence in the world of the groundwater of the conversation.
Gossip Video Mesum Sherina Munaf dan Ariel Peterpan?
Polisi masih terus mengembangkan penyelidikan alat bukti terkait kasus video mesum yang melibatkan Ariel, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari.
Menurut berita yang beredar Polisi juga akan melakukan penyelidikan atas Sherina Munaf yang konon videonya bersama vokalis Peterpan itu tersebar di sherina munaf , Jawa Barat.
Wakadiv Humas Polri Brigjen Pol Zainuri Lubis, saat dikonfirmasi tentang berita tersebut, tidak membantah tentang upaya polisi mengembangkan penyelidikan, namun pihaknya belum mendapatkan informasi baru tentang para pelaku video porno tersebut.
"Kalau ada video tersebut (Sherina, red) kan harus ada penyelidikan dulu. Setiap ada info tindakan pertama adalah penyelidikan dulu. Nanti akan kita lihat apakah ada tindakan lainnya berupa pemanggilan dan lain-lain.
Sumber: Kaskus
Menurut berita yang beredar Polisi juga akan melakukan penyelidikan atas Sherina Munaf yang konon videonya bersama vokalis Peterpan itu tersebar di sherina munaf , Jawa Barat.
Wakadiv Humas Polri Brigjen Pol Zainuri Lubis, saat dikonfirmasi tentang berita tersebut, tidak membantah tentang upaya polisi mengembangkan penyelidikan, namun pihaknya belum mendapatkan informasi baru tentang para pelaku video porno tersebut.
"Kalau ada video tersebut (Sherina, red) kan harus ada penyelidikan dulu. Setiap ada info tindakan pertama adalah penyelidikan dulu. Nanti akan kita lihat apakah ada tindakan lainnya berupa pemanggilan dan lain-lain.
Sumber: Kaskus
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