PADANG - Body earthquake recorders from the United States (U.S.), the USGS recorded an earthquake in Sumatra strength of 7.9 on the Richter scale. Different approximately 0.3 on the Richter scale with the earthquake in Indonesia recorder, which recorded 7.6 earthquake SR.
Gempa di padang- sumatra barat it seemed to Pekanbaru, Riau, and Sibolga, North Sumatra. Even the earthquake was also felt to neighboring countries, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (AHM)
In addition to the power of the earthquake, the USGS said on Wednesday (30/9/2009) also recorded the quake-related sources. BMKG noted epicenter in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra, while the USGS recorded in South Sumatra (Palembang) with a depth of 85 kilometers.
Rabu, 30 September 2009

Facebook Fraud Case Cinta Laura Kiehl is still busy circulating in celebrity world. Lots of sites claiming to be Cinta Laura Original Artist, there's just too much to write several parties fb status with blasphemy and much worse things cintaa cornering.
Cinta himself just wait with clarifications in the media and the police report yet.
Blog Twitter Facebook Fake Cinta Laura:
Cinta Laura and family throe. From the original blog mentioned that Cinta Laura CLK-lovers should be careful because a lot of sites and fake accounts on behalf of Cinta Laura Kiehl widely circulated.
Hi LoVERZ ...
Please alert, there are:
498 fb false, 7 twitter and blog 1 FALSE 8O
by Cinta Laura Kiehl's name on the internet.
Many words in it that are not polite and not true
that makes people so prejudiced or
may not like it at Cinta.
important lovers know, maybe not so Cinta.
Despite claims interfere with blasphemy and contempt of many sites, blogs, twitter and friendship site on the internet, but the artist's birth Quackenburg, Germany, August 17, 1993 is to remain calm and not too serious response. Cinta Laura said, not yet reported to the police about this Cybercrime cases.
"We're just talking through the media just before, that news in the 'FB' is just a lie it. Business with the police later used, if later there is no progress and continue to corner me, I will report. "
Case Cinta Laura Kiehl:
The case with close friends Rossa, Irwansyah, and Michael is indeed related to defamation through facebook on behalf Cinta Laura with penyerempetan religious issues. In some fb reply in writing of false love never Cinta religious orders during the month of ramadan fasting yesterday.
"I never knew what it meant to corner the people through all the issues I think itu.Itu slander, I was not going to intervene. Since the number of sms to discredit me on the internet, I finally got to talk. If I leave the course will further damage my good name. "
"Somehow I must have felt, it was so stabbed perasaan.Seperti we know many people are affected by such statements. This may be part of the consequences in the world I entertain. This is my action by the media, if the matter to the police later had not been too complicated. "
Cinta himself just wait with clarifications in the media and the police report yet.
Blog Twitter Facebook Fake Cinta Laura:
Cinta Laura and family throe. From the original blog mentioned that Cinta Laura CLK-lovers should be careful because a lot of sites and fake accounts on behalf of Cinta Laura Kiehl widely circulated.
Hi LoVERZ ...
Please alert, there are:
498 fb false, 7 twitter and blog 1 FALSE 8O
by Cinta Laura Kiehl's name on the internet.
Many words in it that are not polite and not true
that makes people so prejudiced or
may not like it at Cinta.
important lovers know, maybe not so Cinta.
Despite claims interfere with blasphemy and contempt of many sites, blogs, twitter and friendship site on the internet, but the artist's birth Quackenburg, Germany, August 17, 1993 is to remain calm and not too serious response. Cinta Laura said, not yet reported to the police about this Cybercrime cases.
"We're just talking through the media just before, that news in the 'FB' is just a lie it. Business with the police later used, if later there is no progress and continue to corner me, I will report. "
Case Cinta Laura Kiehl:
The case with close friends Rossa, Irwansyah, and Michael is indeed related to defamation through facebook on behalf Cinta Laura with penyerempetan religious issues. In some fb reply in writing of false love never Cinta religious orders during the month of ramadan fasting yesterday.
"I never knew what it meant to corner the people through all the issues I think itu.Itu slander, I was not going to intervene. Since the number of sms to discredit me on the internet, I finally got to talk. If I leave the course will further damage my good name. "
"Somehow I must have felt, it was so stabbed perasaan.Seperti we know many people are affected by such statements. This may be part of the consequences in the world I entertain. This is my action by the media, if the matter to the police later had not been too complicated. "
Selasa, 29 September 2009
Minggu, 27 September 2009
BaliTV Streaming
Nonton BaliTV yuk...
Pastikan Browser anda telah terinstall Adobe Flashplayer
Kalo blum Terinstall bisa Download di sini
Pastikan Browser anda telah terinstall Adobe Flashplayer
Kalo blum Terinstall bisa Download di sini
Jumat, 25 September 2009
FireFoX addOns 4 Hack
Keunggulan FireFoX antara lain :
1. HackBar [ ]
Nice tools,, ^_^ ada fitur ubah ke MD5,, base64,, MSSQL Char,, MySQL Char,, URL Encode dan Decode,,
Wow,, Really For h4cking.....
2. FireBug [ ]
Biasa untuk melakukan Pentest,, Analisa Source Code,, Javascript,, http header,, dan debug
3. Anonymouser [ ]
Untuk membuka link secara anonymous.... menggunakan proxy,,
Tinggal klik kanan link-nya dan pilih [Open With anonymous browser in New Tab]
4. Whois [ ]
Untuk melakukan Whois Terhadap WebSite yang dikunjungi dengan mudah,, tinggal klik kanan dan klik [Whois that?]
5. Web Developer [ ]
Hampir sama dengan Fire bug,, kamu juga bisa edit Cookies dengan addons ini,, Simple dan User Friendly ;P
6. SwitchProxy Tool []
dan Foxy Proxy [ ]
Manajemen proxy yang lebih advance,, Lebih Jelasnya... Coba liat situsnya
7. Reload Every []
Nah kalo yang ini dah pada tau khan??? buat reload page berulang selama interval waktu yg ditentukan,,
So.... kamu bisa nge-Submit [Post or get Method] berulang-ulang (contoh pada imel bomb dgn yahoo)
8. User Agent Switcher [ ]
Untuk Mengganti user agent (informasi browser yg dipakai),, misal saja ada guestbook atau website
yang merecord informasi user secara diam-diam,, ganti saja User Agent-nya dengan (Anjing misalnya :P)
9. View Cookies [ ]
Untuk me-manage cookies,, dalam hacking XSS biasanya bertujuan mencuri cookies,, so addon ini sangat
berguna buat export, import, dan laen-laen.
10. Modify Headers [ ]
Dari namanya ajah udah ketahuan,, itu buat modifikasi header,, misal ajah ada situs yang ngecek referer header agar
tidak terjadi CSRF,, apa yang harus kita lakukan?? coba saja modif referer-nya dengan addon ini ;)
11. TiX Now! []
Wow!!! ney addon kereen,, bisa menghentikan waktu tunggu Rapidshare,, Mega Upload etc,, gw udah test nih addons
Great!! FoR hacking RapidShare ^_^
12. Wmlbrowser [ ]
Walah-walah..... buat apa ney addons??? yupzz.... addon ini buat browsing wml-websites (buat hape itu loh..)
So... buat kamu-kamu yang pengen coba-coba hack wml-sites pake ajah addons ini,, emang mo hack dari hape?? :P
13. XSSMe []
Testing Xss Jadi gampang ^_^
14. SQL Inject-me []
Buat Testing SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
15. Grease Monkey []
Banyak Hacker melakukan Tweak sekaligus Hacking melalui Javascript yg dituangkan ke addon in (dapat dicari di
Silahkan dipelajari dulu
1. HackBar [ ]
Nice tools,, ^_^ ada fitur ubah ke MD5,, base64,, MSSQL Char,, MySQL Char,, URL Encode dan Decode,,
Wow,, Really For h4cking.....
2. FireBug [ ]
Biasa untuk melakukan Pentest,, Analisa Source Code,, Javascript,, http header,, dan debug
3. Anonymouser [ ]
Untuk membuka link secara anonymous.... menggunakan proxy,,
Tinggal klik kanan link-nya dan pilih [Open With anonymous browser in New Tab]
4. Whois [ ]
Untuk melakukan Whois Terhadap WebSite yang dikunjungi dengan mudah,, tinggal klik kanan dan klik [Whois that?]
5. Web Developer [ ]
Hampir sama dengan Fire bug,, kamu juga bisa edit Cookies dengan addons ini,, Simple dan User Friendly ;P
6. SwitchProxy Tool []
dan Foxy Proxy [ ]
Manajemen proxy yang lebih advance,, Lebih Jelasnya... Coba liat situsnya
7. Reload Every []
Nah kalo yang ini dah pada tau khan??? buat reload page berulang selama interval waktu yg ditentukan,,
So.... kamu bisa nge-Submit [Post or get Method] berulang-ulang (contoh pada imel bomb dgn yahoo)
8. User Agent Switcher [ ]
Untuk Mengganti user agent (informasi browser yg dipakai),, misal saja ada guestbook atau website
yang merecord informasi user secara diam-diam,, ganti saja User Agent-nya dengan (Anjing misalnya :P)
9. View Cookies [ ]
Untuk me-manage cookies,, dalam hacking XSS biasanya bertujuan mencuri cookies,, so addon ini sangat
berguna buat export, import, dan laen-laen.
10. Modify Headers [ ]
Dari namanya ajah udah ketahuan,, itu buat modifikasi header,, misal ajah ada situs yang ngecek referer header agar
tidak terjadi CSRF,, apa yang harus kita lakukan?? coba saja modif referer-nya dengan addon ini ;)
11. TiX Now! []
Wow!!! ney addon kereen,, bisa menghentikan waktu tunggu Rapidshare,, Mega Upload etc,, gw udah test nih addons
Great!! FoR hacking RapidShare ^_^
12. Wmlbrowser [ ]
Walah-walah..... buat apa ney addons??? yupzz.... addon ini buat browsing wml-websites (buat hape itu loh..)
So... buat kamu-kamu yang pengen coba-coba hack wml-sites pake ajah addons ini,, emang mo hack dari hape?? :P
13. XSSMe []
Testing Xss Jadi gampang ^_^
14. SQL Inject-me []
Buat Testing SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
15. Grease Monkey []
Banyak Hacker melakukan Tweak sekaligus Hacking melalui Javascript yg dituangkan ke addon in (dapat dicari di
Silahkan dipelajari dulu
Kamis, 24 September 2009
Mempercepat FIREFOX 300 %
Gimana yah caranya ?
HMM ... liat aja dibawah ini caranya...
1. ketikkan about:config
2. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Double-click > 8.
3. network.http.proxy.pipelining. doubleclick > true.
4. network.dns.disableIPv6 > true
5. New > Boolean > content.interrupt.parsing > true
6. New > Integer > content.max.tokenizing.time > 2250000
7. New > Integer > content.notify.interval > 750000
8. New > Boolean > content.notify.ontimer > true
9. New > Integer > content.notify.backoffcount > 5
10. New > Integer > content.switch.threshold > 750000
11. New > Integer > nglayout.initialpaint.delay > 0
Selesai… FIREFOX anda… akan WUZZ… WUZZ…
HMM ... liat aja dibawah ini caranya...
1. ketikkan about:config
2. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Double-click > 8.
3. network.http.proxy.pipelining. doubleclick > true.
4. network.dns.disableIPv6 > true
5. New > Boolean > content.interrupt.parsing > true
6. New > Integer > content.max.tokenizing.time > 2250000
7. New > Integer > content.notify.interval > 750000
8. New > Boolean > content.notify.ontimer > true
9. New > Integer > content.notify.backoffcount > 5
10. New > Integer > content.switch.threshold > 750000
11. New > Integer > nglayout.initialpaint.delay > 0
Selesai… FIREFOX anda… akan WUZZ… WUZZ…
Kamis, 17 September 2009
Cinta Kuya

Putri Uya Kuya, Cinta Rahmania Putri Khairunnisa atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Cinta Kuya, kini mulai mengembangkan bakatnya di dunia tarik suara. Cinta mengaku kalau menyanyi itu sulit, jadi dia belajar dengan dipandu ayahnya.
Menurut Uya, putrinya banyak memberikan usulan untuk pembuatan lagunya. "Dalam pembuatan lagu ini Cinta banyak ngoreksi aku, 'Begini aja, Pi,' dia banyak kasih usulan dan bener juga aku kan selama ini bikin lagu untuk orang dewasa, lagunya kan untuk anak kecil jadi cara berpikirnya pun dengan cara anak kecil juga," terang penyanyi yang alih profesi jadi pesulap ini.
"Dulu dia sering dendangkan lagu-lagu seperti ST12 waktu sebelum lancar bicara. Lagu ini lebih ke persahabatan dan petualangan, sekarang nggak ada lagu anak-anak. Bukan salah orang tua karena emang nggak ada pilihan," tambah Uya.
Rabu, 16 September 2009
FOTO Rianti Cartwright – Cas Alfonso Nainggolan

After several months of not having a boyfriend, Rianti Cartwright finally found the man of her dreams. Rianti already has a new boyfriend. The man named Cas Alfonso Nainggolan.
At the premiere 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2', Rianti came in the company of a man. Rianti seemed intimate with these men. Investigate investigate a man who was familiarly called Cas was the only artist girlfriend bleeding-English Sundanese this.
"He's my new boyfriend. We've invented a few months," said Rianti when found in EX Plaza, MH Thamrin street, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
Rianti admitted early acquaintance with Cas as recognized by his friends. Rianti feel comfortable with Cas. Both then agreed to build relationships. However, they still want to enjoy their time together. The two lovebirds are not going to impose their relationship with marriage problems.
"We're not thinking in that direction. We live only once," he said.
Cas was only two years back to Indonesia. Previously, he was living in New York. Cas admitted no objection to the professional artists who are carried by her lover.

Model and artist Rianti Cartwright was born in Bandung, 22 September 1983. beautiful girl born of the bloody English father and Sundanese-Javanese mother was known to the public as a VJ MTV Indonesia. Where as a VJ, Rianti has its own characteristic style fun, fresh and speak out frankly.
Profession as a VJ since 2005 to the beginning of Rianti entered the world of entertainment. Footsteps in the entertainment world when he was growing steadily helped starred'M IN LOVE, and D'bijis, who starred along with Tora Sudiro and Indra Birowo.
Initially, the girl who hobbies traveling backpacker style is not ambitious to become a movie star, but the student International Education Programs Department of International Business and Marketing University of Tasmania, Jakarta, claimed to really enjoy and love what they work at.
Not just movies, ayu face youngest of two brothers is also found as a model Ungu video clips, Ello, and Letto.
Despite having indo faces and spoke little English, mojang Bandung Indonesia loves food, especially Karedok, her favorite food.
Since childhood, the owner's full name Rhiannon Cartwright Rianti is accustomed to working for pocket money. Starting from the model at the age of 16 years and had become editor of the magazine language Maxx-M in Bandung, and made Rianti accustomed to working hard.
At the premiere 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2', Rianti came in the company of a man. Rianti seemed intimate with these men. Investigate investigate a man who was familiarly called Cas was the only artist girlfriend bleeding-English Sundanese this.
"He's my new boyfriend. We've invented a few months," said Rianti when found in EX Plaza, MH Thamrin street, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
Rianti admitted early acquaintance with Cas as recognized by his friends. Rianti feel comfortable with Cas. Both then agreed to build relationships. However, they still want to enjoy their time together. The two lovebirds are not going to impose their relationship with marriage problems.
"We're not thinking in that direction. We live only once," he said.
Cas was only two years back to Indonesia. Previously, he was living in New York. Cas admitted no objection to the professional artists who are carried by her lover.

Model and artist Rianti Cartwright was born in Bandung, 22 September 1983. beautiful girl born of the bloody English father and Sundanese-Javanese mother was known to the public as a VJ MTV Indonesia. Where as a VJ, Rianti has its own characteristic style fun, fresh and speak out frankly.
Profession as a VJ since 2005 to the beginning of Rianti entered the world of entertainment. Footsteps in the entertainment world when he was growing steadily helped starred'M IN LOVE, and D'bijis, who starred along with Tora Sudiro and Indra Birowo.
Initially, the girl who hobbies traveling backpacker style is not ambitious to become a movie star, but the student International Education Programs Department of International Business and Marketing University of Tasmania, Jakarta, claimed to really enjoy and love what they work at.
Not just movies, ayu face youngest of two brothers is also found as a model Ungu video clips, Ello, and Letto.
Despite having indo faces and spoke little English, mojang Bandung Indonesia loves food, especially Karedok, her favorite food.
Since childhood, the owner's full name Rhiannon Cartwright Rianti is accustomed to working for pocket money. Starting from the model at the age of 16 years and had become editor of the magazine language Maxx-M in Bandung, and made Rianti accustomed to working hard.
Senin, 14 September 2009

Initially, Hanung said, he only meant to explore the interpretation of the Qur'an in Ramadan this time. This is done so that he could not run fast like that, that's all. "But then God gave us this gift," said Hanung.
Men are also currently preparing filming Ahmad Dahlan has said it would hold a simple wedding ceremony. "We're going to get married with the Islamic way, a simple, but wearing," said Hanung who invited the orphans at the wedding.
He felt the blessing of Allah SWT is very strong on both the marriage process towards it. If at first marriage, while taking care of the religious court takes up to one week, then the marriage with film star Para Pencari Tuhan (PPT) 3 is only one day.
Hanung see this second marriage is the second chance given by God Almighty to improve personal life fall apart in the last four years.

Muhammadiyah chairman, Din Syamsuddin, this evening to witness the marriage between the director Hanung Bramantyo Anugroho with movie players Zaskia Adya Mecca.
Attaqwa Mosque, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday (14/9/2009), Din arrived at approximately 21:20 pm and immediately assaulted the family of the bride.
Approximately five minutes ago, Hanung arrived dressed all in white, good clothes, pants, until cap. Hanung arrival was greeted by chanting Shalawat Badr study group from Al Bina. Hanung went inside and sat at the table ceremony.
Increasingly crowded atmosphere when Zaskia arrived at the scene. Perfect makeup comes in white transparent dress made Zaskia Adya Mecca seems beautiful.

Ramadan was a special time for the director Hanung Bramantyo (33 years old). On the night of the 23 Ramadan, on Monday (14 / 9), he married the artist Zaskia Adya Mecca (22 years old).
Initially, Hanung said, he only meant to explore the interpretation of the Qur'an in Ramadan this time. This is done so that he could not run fast like that, that's all. "But then God gave us this gift," said Hanung.
Men are also currently preparing filming Ahmad Dahlan has said it would hold a simple wedding ceremony. "We're going to get married with the Islamic way, a simple, but wearing," said Hanung who invited the orphans at the wedding.
He felt the blessing of Allah SWT is very strong on both the marriage process towards it. If at first marriage, while taking care of the religious court takes up to one week, then the marriage with film star Para Pencari Tuhan (PPT) 3 is only one day.
Hanung see this second marriage is the second chance given by God Almighty to improve personal life fall apart in the last four years.

Muhammadiyah chairman, Din Syamsuddin, this evening to witness the marriage between the director Hanung Bramantyo Anugroho with movie players Zaskia Adya Mecca.
Attaqwa Mosque, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday (14/9/2009), Din arrived at approximately 21:20 pm and immediately assaulted the family of the bride.
Approximately five minutes ago, Hanung arrived dressed all in white, good clothes, pants, until cap. Hanung arrival was greeted by chanting Shalawat Badr study group from Al Bina. Hanung went inside and sat at the table ceremony.
Increasingly crowded atmosphere when Zaskia arrived at the scene. Perfect makeup comes in white transparent dress made Zaskia Adya Mecca seems beautiful.

Since the end of last August, Nazriel Irham or familiarly called Ariel, along with friends of his friends have not officially use the name again in the world Peterpan country music. This is a consequence of the agreement between Peterpan and Andhika The Titans which is actually a former retainer of Peterpan. Andhika is the holder full rights in the name of Peterpan.
But until now Peterpan not specify a new name for the band. Whereas Peterpan many loyal fans can not wait to get to know the new name will be strapped to the band from Bandung that.
But there is a finding obtained from the media team, which may be able to answer the audience's curiosity of music tracks Peterpan song in the country. The findings of a new name that reportedly been prepared Ariel Cs far distant day.
Feather Band. That's a name that will replace the allegedly Peterpan name, which has been used by Ariel Cs in the national music industry. The media have leaked the name to cover the event while Ariel Cs breaking fast with their fanatical fans at the Hotel Serela Bandung West Java, on Sunday (13/09).
Through the display on display on the screen in front of the podium ceremony was breaking fast, clearly illustrated following a Feather Band logo. Brief if spelled, the name and Peterpan impressed Feather-like. Meaning of the name in Indonesian Language Feather was the same as the logo for this Peterpan, "bulu unggas".
Is Feather Band names posted on the display as found in Bandung is the new name replacement Peterpan name?
But until now Peterpan not specify a new name for the band. Whereas Peterpan many loyal fans can not wait to get to know the new name will be strapped to the band from Bandung that.
But there is a finding obtained from the media team, which may be able to answer the audience's curiosity of music tracks Peterpan song in the country. The findings of a new name that reportedly been prepared Ariel Cs far distant day.
Feather Band. That's a name that will replace the allegedly Peterpan name, which has been used by Ariel Cs in the national music industry. The media have leaked the name to cover the event while Ariel Cs breaking fast with their fanatical fans at the Hotel Serela Bandung West Java, on Sunday (13/09).
Through the display on display on the screen in front of the podium ceremony was breaking fast, clearly illustrated following a Feather Band logo. Brief if spelled, the name and Peterpan impressed Feather-like. Meaning of the name in Indonesian Language Feather was the same as the logo for this Peterpan, "bulu unggas".
Is Feather Band names posted on the display as found in Bandung is the new name replacement Peterpan name?
Jumat, 11 September 2009

However, as confirmed on the news, Naveen swiftly brushed it off. He denied not pleasant news that linked him as the father of the baby Sheila.
Unfortunately, Naveen did not want to say for sure who "The Brass" is meant. "That's our privacy," said Naveen. "Bad people will get the stone," he continued sharply.
Would not accused as a responsible person, Naveen, who claimed to know both friendship and business relationship with Sheila, and even had time to clarify it's tilted directly to Sheila. "I explained, when he heard he was also shocked. He also made it clear that it was not me," said Naveen.
"Mary Joseph also was denied if I was not the father of the child," she continued.
In addition to the news side to clarify that, his arrival, recognized Naveen, also want to provide support to Sheila. "Giving support to friends, sorry for Sheila in there.'s Why I asked just joking," said Naveen.
Delano Ezar visit Sheila Marcia
But suddenly, the wedding was canceled Delano unilaterally. Up to now, not known for certain what the reason the decision Delano.
Thursday (10 / 9) yesterday, around 10:00 am, Delano seen coming into Rutan Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta to visit Sheila Marcia. However, this well-built man, did not want a lot of talk and kept reporters away from the chasing game.
Delano just casually said, "She (Sheila) healthy, just pray I hope he is always healthy," he said after leaving the prison where she was arrested at around 11:45 pm.
Delano also had to explain that he could eat alone with Sheila in and admitted his relationship with Sheila was still fine. Then, a friend who was there beside Delano, a spontaneous shout, "they eat spinach," she said.
Delano who was wearing a white shirt and black patterned rush straight up into the car Honda Civic Silver B8300 BR the host.

The puzzle of who the father of the fetus who is now residing in the womb Sheila Marcia was still blurred. Some names also appear. In addition Ezar Elano, now comes the name of Jo alias Naveen Keswani, the man who was also close to Sheila.
However, as confirmed on the news, Naveen swiftly brushed it off. He denied not pleasant news that linked him as the father of the baby Sheila.
Unfortunately, Naveen did not want to say for sure who "The Brass" is meant. "That's our privacy," said Naveen. "Bad people will get the stone," he continued sharply.
Would not accused as a responsible person, Naveen, who claimed to know both friendship and business relationship with Sheila, and even had time to clarify it's tilted directly to Sheila. "I explained, when he heard he was also shocked. He also made it clear that it was not me," said Naveen.
"Mary Joseph also was denied if I was not the father of the child," she continued.
In addition to the news side to clarify that, his arrival, recognized Naveen, also want to provide support to Sheila. "Giving support to friends, sorry for Sheila in there.'s Why I asked just joking," said Naveen.
Delano Ezar visit Sheila Marcia
In the middle of a young pregnant condition, she must face the reality of Marcia to go through pregnancy in prison. He got depressed when I had to go back in the bars Rutan Pondok Bambu. And he had just rumored to be married to a basketball player from Bali named Delano Ezar.
But suddenly, the wedding was canceled Delano unilaterally. Up to now, not known for certain what the reason the decision Delano.
Thursday (10 / 9) yesterday, around 10:00 am, Delano seen coming into Rutan Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta to visit Sheila Marcia. However, this well-built man, did not want a lot of talk and kept reporters away from the chasing game.
Delano just casually said, "She (Sheila) healthy, just pray I hope he is always healthy," he said after leaving the prison where she was arrested at around 11:45 pm.
Delano also had to explain that he could eat alone with Sheila in and admitted his relationship with Sheila was still fine. Then, a friend who was there beside Delano, a spontaneous shout, "they eat spinach," she said.
Delano who was wearing a white shirt and black patterned rush straight up into the car Honda Civic Silver B8300 BR the host.
FOTO PEMAIN Drama Korea Boys Before Flowers (BBF)

Schedule Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers in Indosiar:
Monday and Tuesday
21:30 wib
Korean heroine drama Boys Before Flowers:
Koo Hye Sun: Geum Jan in
Korean F4 Starring:
Lee Min Ho: Goo Joon Pyo
Kim Hyun Joong: Yoon Ji Hoo
Kim Bum: So Yi Jung
Kim Joon: Song Woo Bin
After Hot Shot, another drama aired in Indosiar Asia and will become my favorite TV programs, in addition to The Master and American Idol.
I wonder which one is good? Taiwan's Meteor Garden, Meteor Garden Japanese, or Korean Meteor Garden? Do not miss the schedule Indosiar latest Korean drama Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers.
Seeing the success of Asian drama show Meteor Garden, Indosiar then presents many popular dramas not only from Taiwan and Korea but also from the Japanese drama, a popular drama terms. Do you remember the Japanese drama "Beautiful Life" starring Takuya Kimura and Takako Tokiwa in Indosiar in 2004.
With so many Asian drama impressions by Indosiar since 2002 that's what makes viewers Indonesia so eloquently talked about Song Hye Kyo, Bae Young Jun, Kwon Sang Woo, Takuya Kimura, Kyoko Fukada, Barbie Hsu, F4, Rainie Yang, and much more. Moreover the popularity of Asian dramas even encourage other television stations to follow in the footsteps Indosiar in Asian drama show on the screen Indonesia.
Asian drama euphoria in Indonesia is also encouraged his fans want to know more things about the play and also the artist. Not surprisingly, since the exploding popularity of Meteor Garden, appeared many magazines or tabloids of entertainment that focuses on the ins and outs of Asian drama and its star.
In this case, Indosiar should be proud of being able to 'trendsetters' in Asian drama genres not only on the screen Indonesia, but also able to make viewers want to see Asian drama more about the play and its artists in a variety of media including the Internet.
Not only that, Indosiar also facilitating the arrival of Asian drama artists to meet with his fans like F4 and Barbie Hsu, Kwon Sang Woo, Rain and many others that the phenomenon of Asian dramas still survive today. At the end of 2005, Indosiar re brave enough to make a breakthrough for Asian drama show from Korea under the theme of history, not a romance-themed drama as usual. Moreover, if not the series "Jewel in the Palace".
At first berseting historical drama during the early Joseon Dynasty of the 16th century in Korea, starring Lee Young Ae is undoubtedly capable of winning audiences Indonesia because its themes are more "heavy", but was able to explode on the market.
This phenomenon reminds us that fans of Asian drama is not only like to consume the stories of love alone but also can enjoy themed stories, such as the struggle of a woman named Jang Geum (Lee Young Ae) of a palace cook to be a physician (doctor) first in the kingdom the Joseon Dynasty.
The story that carries a moral message, not the nature of despair, the rise of women, simplicity and ethics that was a likable screen Indosiar viewers, not only women, but also almost all the circles do not care about men and women, young and old, poor-rich , handsome-ugly.

Boys Before Flowers or Boys Over Flowers is the latest Indosiar Korean dramas. Korean Drama Boys Before Flowers is Meteor Garden Korean and adaptation of the manga Hana Yori Dango. Korean Drama Boys Over Flowers will appear on TV Indonesia, although a schedule showing the latest Korean dramas in this Indosiar will begin running June 1, 2009.
Schedule Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers in Indosiar:
Monday and Tuesday
21:30 wib
Korean heroine drama Boys Before Flowers:
Koo Hye Sun: Geum Jan in
Korean F4 Starring:
Lee Min Ho: Goo Joon Pyo
Kim Hyun Joong: Yoon Ji Hoo
Kim Bum: So Yi Jung
Kim Joon: Song Woo Bin
After Hot Shot, another drama aired in Indosiar Asia and will become my favorite TV programs, in addition to The Master and American Idol.
I wonder which one is good? Taiwan's Meteor Garden, Meteor Garden Japanese, or Korean Meteor Garden? Do not miss the schedule Indosiar latest Korean drama Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers.
Seeing the success of Asian drama show Meteor Garden, Indosiar then presents many popular dramas not only from Taiwan and Korea but also from the Japanese drama, a popular drama terms. Do you remember the Japanese drama "Beautiful Life" starring Takuya Kimura and Takako Tokiwa in Indosiar in 2004.
With so many Asian drama impressions by Indosiar since 2002 that's what makes viewers Indonesia so eloquently talked about Song Hye Kyo, Bae Young Jun, Kwon Sang Woo, Takuya Kimura, Kyoko Fukada, Barbie Hsu, F4, Rainie Yang, and much more. Moreover the popularity of Asian dramas even encourage other television stations to follow in the footsteps Indosiar in Asian drama show on the screen Indonesia.
Asian drama euphoria in Indonesia is also encouraged his fans want to know more things about the play and also the artist. Not surprisingly, since the exploding popularity of Meteor Garden, appeared many magazines or tabloids of entertainment that focuses on the ins and outs of Asian drama and its star.
In this case, Indosiar should be proud of being able to 'trendsetters' in Asian drama genres not only on the screen Indonesia, but also able to make viewers want to see Asian drama more about the play and its artists in a variety of media including the Internet.
Not only that, Indosiar also facilitating the arrival of Asian drama artists to meet with his fans like F4 and Barbie Hsu, Kwon Sang Woo, Rain and many others that the phenomenon of Asian dramas still survive today. At the end of 2005, Indosiar re brave enough to make a breakthrough for Asian drama show from Korea under the theme of history, not a romance-themed drama as usual. Moreover, if not the series "Jewel in the Palace".
At first berseting historical drama during the early Joseon Dynasty of the 16th century in Korea, starring Lee Young Ae is undoubtedly capable of winning audiences Indonesia because its themes are more "heavy", but was able to explode on the market.
This phenomenon reminds us that fans of Asian drama is not only like to consume the stories of love alone but also can enjoy themed stories, such as the struggle of a woman named Jang Geum (Lee Young Ae) of a palace cook to be a physician (doctor) first in the kingdom the Joseon Dynasty.
The story that carries a moral message, not the nature of despair, the rise of women, simplicity and ethics that was a likable screen Indosiar viewers, not only women, but also almost all the circles do not care about men and women, young and old, poor-rich , handsome-ugly.
Hanyalah sekadar menambah pengetahuan.
Masyarakat pada zaman dahulu mengenal seseorang dgn melihat tanda pada badannya.Sejauh mana kebenarannya tidaklah diketahui dgn jelas.DiCoba dulu aja mungkin ada yang benarnya...
bibir atas kanan - banyak rezeki, pandai
bibir atas kiri - ramai kawan, baik hati
bibir bawah kanan - disegani orang, ramai yg suka
bibir bawah kiri - pandai bicara, tak mudah kalah
leher kanan - cerdas, jujur, berani menderita
leher kiri - cerdas dlm segala hal dan banyak pengetahuan
leher di tengah - tercapai cita-cita
biji mata kanan - suka serong dan pembohong
biji mata kiri - pembohong tetapi baik hati
ujung mata kanan - baik hati, sopan santun, cerdas
ujung mata kiri - baik budi, murah rezeki
betis kanan - suka berhibur, boros
betis kiri - rajin, tidak suka menganggur
lutut kanan - bersikap tidak peduli dan tak mahu berusaha
lutut kiri - kurang kuat berusaha
kepala sebelah kanan - terkabul cita-cita
kepala sebelah kiri - sering menemui kesusahan
kepala sebelah belakang - jujur, sabar dan tekun
kening kanan - cerdas dan cekap
kening kiri - cerdas, sopan santun
tengah kening - keras hati, berani segala hal
ujung mulut kanan - kecil rezeki, tak mudah kalah
ujung mulut kiri - suka berpoya-poya
ketiak kanan - dapat menyimpan rahsia
ketiak kiri - jujur, banyak yang cinta
pergelangan kaki kanan - suka berpergian (keluar rumah)
pergelangan kaki kiri - kehendak kuat
batang hidung - banyak dicintai orang dan dapat menjadi kaya
pada hidung - banyak rezeki
dagu bawah kanan - jujur dan baik hati
dagu bawah kiri - bijak sana dan berbudi luhur
kemaluan kanan atau kiri - baik, suka senggama
di kepala kemaluan (lelaki) - bakal beristeri 2
tumit kanan - jujur dan banyak kawan
tumit kiri - baik budi
alis kanan suka - menolong, baik hati
alis kiri - ramai yang suka
pangkal paha kanan - kemahuan kuat
pangkal paha kiri - suka kerja apa pun
telapak kaki kanan - tak mudah mengeluh
jari kaki kanan - suka menolong
jari kaki kiri - berbudi, suka berbuat baik
bahu kanan - cermat dlm membuat keputusan, banyak tanggungan
bahu kiri - suka kerja keras, banyak tanggungjawab
lengan kanan - setia dan taat pada atasan
lengan kiri - menepati janji dan rajin
pipi kanan - ramai teman
tengah-tengah pipi kanan - ramai yg suka
tengah-tengah pipi kiri - ramai teman
ubun-ubun - kurang jujur
pusat - cerdas, tangkas, tekun
pusat bagian kanan - sejahtera dalam hidup
pusat bagian kiri - beroleh kemUliaan
pinggang kanan - sayang pada pasangan hidup
pinggang kiri - disayang pasangan hidup
dada kanan - dapat mengatasi masalah
dada kiri - berani, jujur dan sabar
telapak kaki kanan - tidak mudah mengeluh
telapak kaki kiri - baik budi pekertinya
siku tangan kanan - kuat ingin memiliki kekayaan
siku tangan kiri - baik hati, suka menolong
jari tangan kanan - serba beroleh keuntungan
jari tangan kiri - serba baik bekerja
jari telapak tangan kanan - banyak rezeki tapi boros
jari telapak tangan kiri - banyak rezeki dan cermat
perut bawah kanan - banyak rezeki, suka memberi maaf
perut bawah kiri - baik hati, tenang hidupnya
sudut mata kanan dalam - disayang suami atau isteri
sudut mata kiri dalam - tidak mudah dilupakan pasangan
sudut mata kanan luar - baik budi, ramai yg cinta
pelipis kiri - murah rezeki, dpt jadi kaya
pelipis kanan - serba berhasil dalam usaha
kelopak mata kanan atas - baik hati, ramah, berjaya
kelopak mata kiri atas - baik budi, ramai yg suka
kelopak mata kanan bawah - agak malas
kelopak mata kiri bawah - agak bodoh, kurang bijaksana
Masyarakat pada zaman dahulu mengenal seseorang dgn melihat tanda pada badannya.Sejauh mana kebenarannya tidaklah diketahui dgn jelas.DiCoba dulu aja mungkin ada yang benarnya...
bibir atas kanan - banyak rezeki, pandai
bibir atas kiri - ramai kawan, baik hati
bibir bawah kanan - disegani orang, ramai yg suka
bibir bawah kiri - pandai bicara, tak mudah kalah
leher kanan - cerdas, jujur, berani menderita
leher kiri - cerdas dlm segala hal dan banyak pengetahuan
leher di tengah - tercapai cita-cita
biji mata kanan - suka serong dan pembohong
biji mata kiri - pembohong tetapi baik hati
ujung mata kanan - baik hati, sopan santun, cerdas
ujung mata kiri - baik budi, murah rezeki
betis kanan - suka berhibur, boros
betis kiri - rajin, tidak suka menganggur
lutut kanan - bersikap tidak peduli dan tak mahu berusaha
lutut kiri - kurang kuat berusaha
kepala sebelah kanan - terkabul cita-cita
kepala sebelah kiri - sering menemui kesusahan
kepala sebelah belakang - jujur, sabar dan tekun
kening kanan - cerdas dan cekap
kening kiri - cerdas, sopan santun
tengah kening - keras hati, berani segala hal
ujung mulut kanan - kecil rezeki, tak mudah kalah
ujung mulut kiri - suka berpoya-poya
ketiak kanan - dapat menyimpan rahsia
ketiak kiri - jujur, banyak yang cinta
pergelangan kaki kanan - suka berpergian (keluar rumah)
pergelangan kaki kiri - kehendak kuat
batang hidung - banyak dicintai orang dan dapat menjadi kaya
pada hidung - banyak rezeki
dagu bawah kanan - jujur dan baik hati
dagu bawah kiri - bijak sana dan berbudi luhur
kemaluan kanan atau kiri - baik, suka senggama
di kepala kemaluan (lelaki) - bakal beristeri 2
tumit kanan - jujur dan banyak kawan
tumit kiri - baik budi
alis kanan suka - menolong, baik hati
alis kiri - ramai yang suka
pangkal paha kanan - kemahuan kuat
pangkal paha kiri - suka kerja apa pun
telapak kaki kanan - tak mudah mengeluh
jari kaki kanan - suka menolong
jari kaki kiri - berbudi, suka berbuat baik
bahu kanan - cermat dlm membuat keputusan, banyak tanggungan
bahu kiri - suka kerja keras, banyak tanggungjawab
lengan kanan - setia dan taat pada atasan
lengan kiri - menepati janji dan rajin
pipi kanan - ramai teman
tengah-tengah pipi kanan - ramai yg suka
tengah-tengah pipi kiri - ramai teman
ubun-ubun - kurang jujur
pusat - cerdas, tangkas, tekun
pusat bagian kanan - sejahtera dalam hidup
pusat bagian kiri - beroleh kemUliaan
pinggang kanan - sayang pada pasangan hidup
pinggang kiri - disayang pasangan hidup
dada kanan - dapat mengatasi masalah
dada kiri - berani, jujur dan sabar
telapak kaki kanan - tidak mudah mengeluh
telapak kaki kiri - baik budi pekertinya
siku tangan kanan - kuat ingin memiliki kekayaan
siku tangan kiri - baik hati, suka menolong
jari tangan kanan - serba beroleh keuntungan
jari tangan kiri - serba baik bekerja
jari telapak tangan kanan - banyak rezeki tapi boros
jari telapak tangan kiri - banyak rezeki dan cermat
perut bawah kanan - banyak rezeki, suka memberi maaf
perut bawah kiri - baik hati, tenang hidupnya
sudut mata kanan dalam - disayang suami atau isteri
sudut mata kiri dalam - tidak mudah dilupakan pasangan
sudut mata kanan luar - baik budi, ramai yg cinta
pelipis kiri - murah rezeki, dpt jadi kaya
pelipis kanan - serba berhasil dalam usaha
kelopak mata kanan atas - baik hati, ramah, berjaya
kelopak mata kiri atas - baik budi, ramai yg suka
kelopak mata kanan bawah - agak malas
kelopak mata kiri bawah - agak bodoh, kurang bijaksana
Jumat, 04 September 2009
Sheila Marcia Dihamili Delano Ezar

According to a source, she is now 2 months pregnant. Further, the source would not say if his identity is a former lover Roger Danuarta has been several times to check its contents on an obstetrician at a famous hospital of southern Jakarta.
Interestingly she is not married to Jupiter Fortisimo, the man who had always accompanied him while in jail. Sheila will marry basketball athletes from Bali Ezar Delano, who familiarly called Lano. Even the news that, Sheila and has conducted pre Lano
wedding on the beach.
It is said that the reported presence of Sheila is currently on vacation in Bali island of the gods, allegedly due to escape from the pursuit of media rumors began to kiss her body had two.
Maria Cecilia's son Joseph has a new girlfriend named Delano Ezar. Oriental-faced young man who was familiarly called Lano is actually an old friend Sheila who have not seen so many years.

A news side over the life of a young artist Sheila Marcia. The former drug convict was said to have body contains two aliases.
According to a source, she is now 2 months pregnant. Further, the source would not say if his identity is a former lover Roger Danuarta has been several times to check its contents on an obstetrician at a famous hospital of southern Jakarta.
Interestingly she is not married to Jupiter Fortisimo, the man who had always accompanied him while in jail. Sheila will marry basketball athletes from Bali Ezar Delano, who familiarly called Lano. Even the news that, Sheila and has conducted pre Lano
wedding on the beach.
It is said that the reported presence of Sheila is currently on vacation in Bali island of the gods, allegedly due to escape from the pursuit of media rumors began to kiss her body had two.
Maria Cecilia's son Joseph has a new girlfriend named Delano Ezar. Oriental-faced young man who was familiarly called Lano is actually an old friend Sheila who have not seen so many years.
Foto Hot VJ Marissa Nasution
VJ Marissa was Born in Jakarta, 8 February 1986, Marissa was obtained as a gift High Quality Singles Valentine episode in 2005, reality show Katakan CInta. But now the descendants of German women-Batak is a love affair with Daniel Mananta, which is also MTV VJ.
Marissa Nasution, or better known as VJ Marissa is a popular host the event after attending the MTV VJ Hunt 2007, although the title did not successfully achieved. Beginning his career as host of the MTV by some as a Guest VJ, before later formally became MTV VJ.
Marissa Nasution, or better known as VJ Marissa is a popular host the event after attending the MTV VJ Hunt 2007, although the title did not successfully achieved. Beginning his career as host of the MTV by some as a Guest VJ, before later formally became MTV VJ.
Now Marissa and Daniel together to host a talent contest program, Indonesian Idol. With the help of Dewi Sandra, Marissa Ata replace the role currently living in Australia.
In his love life, making love with Marissa professional colleagues at the MTV VJ Daniel. However, their relationship has now ended.
VJ Marissa affair
Separated from Daniel Mananta, MTV video jockey Marissa Nasution claimed to have found her mooring men. A man faced a known albino named Rafael, known as a movie star's new boyfriend MY NAME IS DICK (2008) it.
In his testimony, former presenter Indonesia idol is also denied that during this, his new girlfriend hidden from the public. But all of them, more because the boyfriend is never anything to do with the entertainment world. Because of that, her face never appeared on television.
Marissa also revealed that her ex-boyfriend was aware of and familiar with the man who has become her lover's. Overall, he said, also never hidden
VJ Marissa Nasution Hot Foto

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