Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Profil Rahma Azhari

Rahma Azhari (Rahma Azhari Syahidah) was born 17 September 1981, is the model and actress sinetron indonesia. Rahma Azhari is one of eight siblings' family celebrities' Azhari, who is known for full sensation and controversy.

Foto Rahma Azhari

History of women in this section once the fetus is not known at that time his father, because at that time is known publicly Rahma not married. Persalinannya was eventually run in the 'isolation', which is far from the reach infortaiment.

Foto Rahma Azhari

At the end of November 2008, showing photos Rahma bugil with the older sister, Sarah Azhari on the internet. Rahma and Sarah are currently being examined is the obligation of parties associated with the outstanding photographs bugil them freely on the internet. In this case, the Azhari Roy Suryo finally reported to the police due to the Rahma and Sarah feel stained reputation by statements of some of Roy in the media.

Foto Rahma Azhari

Unfinished cases photos bugilnya, Rahma re-appear with the video-video bugil. Found on the internet with video section pemerannya similar Rahma. The truth is the video itself is still analyzed further.

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