Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Manohara Mendapat Gelar KMAT dari Keraton Surakarta?

Model Manohara Odelia Pinot get honorary degree as Kanjeng Mas Ayu Tumenggung (KMAT) on Friday (17/07/09) from the Surakarta palace. Manohara KMAT title is given along with 75 other people in order Jumenengan Paku Buwono (PB) Hangabei XIII will take place Saturday (18 / 7) Kasunanan palace in Surakarta.

KRT Murtidjono menggugat pemberian gelar KMAT kepada Manohara

Manohara Odelia Pinot

However, the degree is to protests by many parties, especially the Chairman of the Board of Arts Surakarta (DKS), Murtijdono Online acc. Mujiono rate Surakarta palace just want to ride the popularity of the model manohara celebrities is so sudden. According to him, the Surakarta palace Kasunanan provide a degree Kanjeng Mas Ayu Tumenggung (KMAT) to Manohara suddenly so popular that after hostile with her husband, a prince in Kelantan, Malaysia, it is not appropriate.
"What is the contribution to the palace during the Manohara this. I think palace only ride the popularity and fame are the artists that rose leaves," he told the press at Solo ..

Now this, according to him, the functional shift has occurred. When the first palace to be traditional institutions and cultural stakeholders, at this time shifted to become institutional opinion, even pushed to act commercially.
Granting a degree from the Surakarta palace Kasunanan for at this time is very easy to obtain, unlike the first through the selection must be strict, such as a dedication to the king or the kingdom, and others.

So what is the future, whether Manohara akan get honorary degree from the Surakarta palace, or the degree candidate is canceled due to keritikan that comes up is the title of the plan?

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